Now you can't question him.

From Create Your Own Story

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YOU: O...kay, but how are you going to question him now?

MIRANDA (Dismissively): Who cares what he has to say? He's a traitor.

YOU: No, but seriously, this guy hacks into your security, sends all the mechs crazy in an attempt to kill me, kills all your staff, and- and you shoot him before you can even find out who he WORKS FOR? You didn't think, you know, like, maybe there was some kind of PLAN behind this? Maybe, just, just maybe, he wasn't working alone?

JACOB: He's got a point. You could have just, I dunno, knocked him out.

YOU: Exactly! I don't know, this whole thing just seems poorly-planned at best.

MIRANDA (Downcast): I- I just...I just wanted to make a good entrance, ok? I heard you guys through the door, and I was like, "Ok, Miranda, here's your chance to be a Badass," and show those guys how cool you are, and... (Her eyes mist over) I've just been trying SO DAMN HARD...

JACOB holds her to his CHEST as she sobs, murmuring "There there" and shaking his head sternly at you.

JACOB: It's ok, Miranda, you'll always be a badass to me. Now come on- you ready to get the hell off this station?

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