Offer to take her to the dog-owner's house

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 08:46, 26 December 2009 by RedruMKO (Talk | contribs)
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She accepts your offer and gives good directions, while you both enjoy the music.

You pull up outside a giant house, just as the owner is driving off in his Lamborghini. He stops and puts the window down and chats with Bett for a while. You notice that moment when they talk about you and they both turn and look in your direction.

Soon enough he drives off, and Bettruns up saying that Mr Bruce said that she should offer you a coffee for giving the ride.

As you walk into the giant house, the three enormouse dogs greet Bett. They seem friendly enough, which is good seeing as they are the size of small horses. And they love Bett. They are licking and jumping at her from the start, and you can't help but feel a little scared and think it looks like you are watching three lions surround a gazelle.

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