Fuck your sister's cum-covered ass

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 20:48, 23 March 2009 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)

You may have just cum, but this young body you are possessing has a lot of stamina. You untie your sister's ankles and run your hands up her sexy legs so that you can slide her panties off. Leaving her wrists tied, you pull your sister's hips up and push her knees apart. You gather a glob of your jizz from her ass crack and press your cum-covered finger into the hot coed's asshole.

"Oh fuck, Brandon," the blonde murmurs after finally spitting her panties out. "Go ahead and fuck my butt, you little perv boy. I kinda like it."

You need no more encouragement and quickly press your member against her slicked up hole. Your sister groans as you steadily slide deeper into her backside. She squeezes you tightly as you pump slowly into her.

"Please Brandon, let me touch myself."

You untie her hands and she quickly finds her clit with her fingers. She pushes her hips back, driving her ass onto your cock as you pump her harder. It's not long before you feel her body spasming as a strong orgasm takes hold. Your sister's orgasm pushes you over the edge and you fill her ass with cum before collapsing on top of her.

Do you:

You are possessing:
6th Grade Boy
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