Go to 777 Lucky Way.

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 01:03, 4 February 2009 by Platypus (Talk | contribs)
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You head to the address.

It is a plain-looking place, and when you knock, a teen about your age opens the door. He is tired looking in his jeans and plain white shirt.

"Who the shit are you?"

"Errm... I'm... I got your... chugar...?"

He mumbles to himself. "Chugar... chugar... sugar? ...no ...no ...no...! ...shit you... Brucie..."

He snaps back.

"Leave. I ain't dealing that damn crack."

You yell out and drop the case.

"What??? Cocaine??"

The teen smiles slyly. "You idiot. You never heard dope being called sugar? Come here."

He leads you to his pool. He then throws the case in the pool. You see the substance going to the water purifiers.

"The stash! Why--?"

He hands you $100 and a pistol.

"Here. Meet me at 45 Alabast Road. Go, now. Tell Brucie--I mean the gangster that the target was neutralized. Go! Meet me at 12 AM! Tonight!

Head to the gangsters.


  • Health: 100
  • Popularity:-1
  • Inventory: Player's Card, Pistol, $100
  • Time: 2:20 PM.
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