Get out of the chopper and run to the team (Brad RE1)

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 11:05, 29 August 2008 by Anonym (Talk | contribs)

You quickly gets out and draw your gun and starts to run towards the gunshoots when suddenly Joseph comes running out of some bushes. You see that he got an big bite mark on his right arm and that he more or less drags the shotgun after him.

¨Jospeh!¨ you shouts

¨Quick back to the chopper they are after me!¨ Jospeh shouts and heads for the chopper.

¨Ok I cover you!¨ you say and raises your gun and starts to back off towards the chopper.

Suddenly some hideous dogs comes rushing straight towards you! They seem to have big open flesh wounds all over them and froth running out of their mouth. You immediatly open fire at them and take many of them down and then you turn around and runs toward the chopper. You see that Joseph has reached it and made his way inside. You safely reaches the chopper and slams the door shut when you are inside it but one of the dogs had jumped towards you and got it head trapped in the door! You yell out to Joseph who takes your gun and shoots it in the head. You open the door slightly and kicks the corpse out and then quickly slams the door shut again and then you start the helicopter and takes off. When you lift off you see alot of the dogs gathering in the clearing and howls with rage!

¨Where are the others?¨ you ask Joseph after an while.

¨I dunno we were investigating the area when suddenly we got attacked by those things. I got seperated from the group and made my way back. But judging by the gunshoots i heard they ran north-east.¨ Joseph responds.

¨Alright then we start searching there. There is some medical supplies in the back if you want to take care of that wound.¨

¨Makes me wish we had Rebecca with us..¨ Joseph mutters and starts to look for the first aid kit.

Health 100% Equipment:

M92F, Helicopter

MP 0
Level 1
Location:Inside the Alpha Teams helicopter (Brad RE1)
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