Resign yourself to your fate

From Create Your Own Story

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There's no use trying to resist what awaits you, so you decide to try and enjoy it. Dozens of slugs race their way toward you, eager to fuck themselves into all of your waiting holes. The glue hasn't loosed enough for you to escape, but it does allow you to readjust your hips to facilitate the imminent entrance of your new friends. The mass of slugs hits you like a slimy wave, and a fresh batch of three of the worms force themselves into your pussy. All of your holes are constantly lubricated by the slime, and they start to stream into you. Your body is in so much pleasure that your mind keeps forgetting that you're not supposed to enjoy this.

You take your hands and start to scoop slugs onto you. They slither over your stomach and perky tits, and a few of them can feel the movements of their brethren deep inside you. You grab a handful of smaller slugs with your hand and bring them up to your lips. They eagerly dart towards your lips and you slurp them down your throat. You gulp down slugs as a group of worms reach your asshole. They push against the tight opening and slither into your bowels, disappearing deep inside you. You moan again, and a particularly large slug silences you by crawling into your mouth. You close your eyes and play with it with your tongue before finally swallowing the creature.

Your bowels are cramped with the number of slugs crawling their way into you, and you gasp for air as your throat is constantly bulging around a new inhabitant every one or two seconds. Most of the slugs, however, are focused on violating your pussy. They stream into you in groups of threes and fours, before finally slipping all the way inside you and grouping up in your womb. You quickly lose track of the number of slugs inside you, and are constantly rocked with orgasms. Your body shakes and quivers over all the creatures inside you, which only facilitates their continued entry. Your stomach starts to bulge considerably, and before long you look visibly pregnant.

Your holes start to gape with the constant stretching, until eventually a majority of the slugs have worked their way inside. At this point you've been cumming non stop from the constant penetration, and you lose track of time. Eventually you can no longer feel any slugs on your skin, and you let out a slutty moan around a particularly thick slug as you eagerly gulp it down. You finally open your eyes and look down. Your stomach is huge, and you look like you are pregnant with twins or triplets. You feel impossibly stuffed, and your bulging belly is constantly kicking, squirming, and moving with the dozens of creatures inside you. You smile and rub your belly, feeling a slug move under your fingers as it bulges against your taut skin.

The mud has loosed considerably at this point, and you're able to sit up completely at long last. You struggle with the new weight you now carry, and can barely move yourself to a sitting position. You look down at the pond in front of you, and see something at the water's edge. Its another slug, and its tail looks caught up in some moss and aquatic plants, so it was unable to make its way to you. This slug is also the largest you've seen. At least as long as your legs, and several inches thick. Its head is pointing at you, its roving antenna moving slightly as it struggles against the moss. You think it almost looks cute, despite knowing it definitely intended on raping you if it hadn't been caught. You feel pity for the huge slug, and waddle your way over to it. Using your hands, you separate its tail from the reeds holding it in place. It moves towards your leg, but you step away quickly before its able to attach itself to you. As you're looking down, you can't help but notice the mass of slugs squirming inside your naked teenage body.

You look down again at the titanic slug. Its antenna droop when you step away, it looks sad. It clearly wants to join its brethren (by forcing itself inside you)

You think to yourself for a moment.

"Fuck it." You say out loud. "I may as well let you inside too."

You're full of dozens of writhing slugs already. What's one more?

You decide to:

You are possessing:
12th Grade Girl (Katy)
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