Go down the left passage

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 01:46, 7 September 2022 by QueenNadine (Talk | contribs)
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It appears that this way is more used. You begin making your way down the left fork. You haven't gone far when you hear the distinct sound of footsteps up ahead. You draw your revolver in preparation.

As you round a bend, you stare in horror at what you see in front of you - a large army of skeletons, risen from the dead and armed with a variety of weapons. With bony grins, they begin advancing on you.

You turn and flee - only to bump into another horde of skeletons. These must be the ones you saw lying near the entrance. They, too, have been awakened with whatever dark magic infests this tomb...

You make a brave fight of it, destroying several undead skulls with your large-caliber bullets and decapitating many of the skeletons with your sword, but you are surrounded and there are just too many of them. Eventually, you are brutally bashed in the face with a shield and slump down, unconscious.

When you awaken, you find yourself on what appears to be a ceremonial altar in a large underground room. A vast army of skeletons is standing in formation in front of the altar.

You hear a noise behind you and whirl around. It is the mummy. Wrapped in bandages, it approaches you slowly with heavy footsteps. You try to run, but find yourself completely unable to move, bound by some invisible, twisted magic.

The mummy extends its arms towards you and a red glow shoots out from both of its bandaged hands, enveloping you. Looking down, you scream in horror as you see your flesh disappearing into nothing. Finally, all that is left of you is a skeleton and the red glow vanishes.

You are handed a sword and shield, and take your place among the ranks of skeleton warriors. You are now completely bent to the mummy's will, cursed to be a skeleton guard in his tomb...forever.


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