Furry World/Male Raccoon/Tunnel 2-2: The giant wolves let you go

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Some time later, you wake up to the odd sensation of a huge, warm, wet tongue sliding and lapping over your fur. At first you tense up and start to panic, then remember that the wolves who had just been playing with you were gentle and seemed sincere. You relax, and open your eyes.

To your surprise, you see Sevrita some distance away, delicately cleaning Tara's body thoroughly, particularly in between the cat's legs. Your companion twitches and spasms with each stroke of the giant's tongue along her sensitive folds, and you notice she's still quite swollen, though not as much as you recall.

This means, then, that it must be Jamal who's taking care of you. He's holding you in his hand and licking your back and tail, getting all the last bits of his cum out of your fur. Your cock is still hard and drooling precum onto his skin.

When he notices you awake, he pulls away and beckons you to roll onto your back. "Good morning, little one. Did you sleep well?"

You nod, your shaft now lying fully erect against your belly. "I must have been exhausted."

Jamal smiles. "You were. I think my mate put you through the wringer there." He eyes your cock and leans in to give it a slow, dragging lick. Evidently those powerful hormones are still present in your body, because just that one swipe brings you tantalizingly close to an orgasm right then, and a second long, luxurious brush of that enormous tongue sets you off, your cock erupting in another brief fountain of cum. He rumbles appreciatively and continues up your body until that soft, wet muscle envelops your face for just a moment. You grab your shaft to ride out your climax as long as possible before relaxing, and Jamal returns to your belly to lick up your fresh seed, evidently enjoying the taste.

You hear Tara whimper and squeal as she hits her own peak under Sevrita's attentions. You look over to see her clamping her legs around the wolf's tongue, and she bucks her hips several times before she relaxes, panting in afterglow.

Finally, the two wolves reunite you on the ground. They sit back, their massive, perpetually aroused genitals still plainly visible to you, and Sevrita smiles down to you. "Well, my little friends. You certainly have us a good time, so now we're going to uphold our post of the bargain. Your clothes are over there," she nods toward the entrance where you came in, "And you can take whatever you want from our stash and go with our blessing. I'll even let you out the hidden back entrance so you can leave in safety."

Your eyes go wide as you look over to the piles of loot in the back of the cavern. Anything you want? You would be set for life!

Yet when you glance to Tara, you can see a doubt in her eyes. Perhaps...?

Furry Status (Shadow)
Health 100 Equipment:


Gender Male
Species Raccoon

Furry Status (Tara)
Health 100 Equipment:


Gender Female
Species Cat
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