Angry and wanted to get at the boy.

From Create Your Own Story

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You hear the sound of the boy running off. As you lift yourself off the chair, you grit your teeth as a great feeling of vengeance overwhelmed you. You were minding your own business, trying something exciting and now some snot nose kid now had blackmail material on you. You jump up and grabbed the top of the fence, feeling the wood press up against your knees and toes as you hoisted yourself up, then vaulted over, clearing the roses planted right up against it.

You spun around but you can't see any little boy. The only clue that there was a pint sized voyeur was a pair of Avenger pajama bottoms that must have got snagged on the roses. Looking up at the neighbors house you spot the kid looking out of his bedroom window. You also notice that he has left the sliding doors ajar, probably in his haste.

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