Practice Football

From Create Your Own Story

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The last game of the season is coming up. You’ve got to play at your best. You find your loose fitting workout clothes, a t-shirt that says “DirtyBird” on the back, and gym shorts. You walk outside, past the fenced backyard to the garden shed where you keep your drill equipment. You open the unlocked shed, pick up the football, drill ladder, a stack of cones, and a foam mat which you will use to stand on, avoiding the grass. Most of the time you don’t practice alone. Your friend Brady likes to workout with you. He’s not on the football team, he’s actually not on any sports team. The Nice guy Brady is into theater and choir, but works out with you to help you, and to build muscle for himself. You put the mat on the dewy grass, when you hear Brady’s car pull up on gravel. You’re in the middle of stretching, touching your toes, when the Nice Guy comes behind you, and slaps your ass. “Good Morning!” He says playfully. He hits you a little harder than you expected. You stand straight and try to slyly rub the sore spot. Practice begins. Stretches, warmups, drills, and some basic strength training. You can soon feels your body growing hotter. Your muscles get puffy, and testosterone surges through your veins. As you practice charging into a mattress tied to a tree, Brady makes conversation. “Have you ever dated anyone?” You charge the tree.

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