PN/The onlookers surround you

From Create Your Own Story

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As you lay there, people start to approach you with their phones aimed at you. Some just walk up and quickly take a pic before walking away while others just stay back and film. All the eyes and cameras on you is really getting you turned on, so you decide to roll onto your stomach and part your legs wide, showing off your bubble butt and pussy while you close your eyes and enjoy the sun.

"Wow look at her ass."

"Mommy why is her pee pee all wet?"

"She is soaked! She must be loving this!"

"Girls these days have no self respect"

"Oh my god! Claire!?"

The sound of your name catches your attention and startles you back to reality, making you snap your legs closed as you whip your head up and look around. There are almost 30 people of all ages around you with their phones pointed at you. At the front of the crowd you see Brian, a boy from your school. Your face burns red with embarrassment as you realize you've finally been recognized. You notice Brian doesn't have his phone out.

"Oh my god, Brian! Why aren't you at school!?"

"I decided it was too nice of a day to pass up going to the pool, why are you naked!?"

You take a second to think. This answer could have strong consequences. You could lie and say you lost it, which may save your reputation. You could lie and say you're a nudist and feel more comfortable without clothes. Or you could own up and admit the truth, that you wanted to be seen.

Lie about your clothes being stolen

Lie and say you are a nudist

Admit the truth

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