Time to go - hop in Amy's car

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You drag your suitcase out and dump it into the back of Amy's black Benz.

"Get in Bitch!" she shouts playfully. "Shut up hooker!" you reply back with a laugh before hopping into the car.

Amy starts to drive and begins yammering on about how irritated she is with her boyfriend Clay and his usual antics, not surprising since he cheats on her and plays games constantly. You can't understand why she continues to date the college sophomore as she is one of the only girls you know that is as good looking as you, if not in a different way. Amy is about 6' 1" and has the long legs of dancer, currently covered in fishnet tights and a jean miniskirt that rides pretty high above the knee. Her black combat boots manage to somehow look elegant and complement the black tanktop she is wearing that is struggling to contain her 34DD rack. Her Jet black hair is in contrast to her pale skin and she has an almost doll like quality with her dark makeup.

"Are you even listening to me?" she asks you.

You quickly reply "Yeah, I just can't believe you stay with him - is it really that important to you that he is in a band or whatever?"

"It's not just that he is in a band - it's that he's good in the sack. You also remember I told you that if I hand around with him enough I might get to meet the lead singer of his brother's band and if I do it's game over - he'll be marrying me after one night." She smiles sadistically.

"You are so evil!" you exclaim. "I can't believe you are using him to get to his brother."

"A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!" she laughs.

Amy pulls into the airport parking garage and the two of you grab your luggage and head for a section of the airport reserved for private planes. Her family is wealthy enough that they don't own their plane, but have access to a sort of plane timeshare and in this case it is your ride straight to Jamaica. The two of you strutting through the airport together causes men everywhere to stop what they are doing and look, often at their own peril as wives, girlfriends, and daughters catch them in the act and set them straight.

You reach the private boarding area for international flights, a long glass hallway with very few people. At the end of the empty hallway you are a greeted by a young african american man in a TSA uniform. His nametag identifies him as "Dave" and he is probably in his mid 20's, sporting a slightly athletic build and of average looks. He was nearly falling asleep at his podium, but his eyes light up when he sees both of you and he asks you drop your bags and submit to inspection.

"Are you serious?" Amy asks in a general bitchy tone that you have learned to ignore. "Do you really think we would have anything dangerous on us?"

"Fraid it's policy darling" Dave says with a smile. "Put your bags down, stand with your legs shoulder length apart and your arms straight out please."

Amy takes a step forward in a huff and unceremoniously drops her bags. Dave comes from around the podium and looks at the ID in her hand before handing it back to her, then steps around behind Amy. You notice that he quietly pulls off his latex gloves... strange - wouldn't he need to put a new pair on? He smacks his lips as he runs his hands across Amy's arms, brushing against her bare skin. She shudders a bit in surprise but says nothing. When he gets to her shoulders he slowly lowers his hands and reaches around to grasp just outside of her tits before running his hands down her sides and belly, down to her jean skirt and all the way down her legs. He takes extra time to make sure he rubs down her ass and touches the front and inside of her thighs. She squirms a bit and you can see she is getting flushed. He pauses at her boots and then removes his hands from her.

"You don't have anything I need to see in there do you?" he asks with his face inches from her rear end, smiling widely.

"I bet there's alot in there you'd like to see" Amy replies curtly as she spins, drops her arms, and takes a step back. "Now if you are done groping me I'd like to get moving."

"Hey Hey, just doing my job maam" he says as he stands and puts his hands up mockingly "Don't shoot the messenger. Please put your bag on the X-ray and head into the waiting area and I'll take care of your friend".

"Whatever" she replies and carries her bags off in a huff. "See you inside Shelby" she says with a wink as she steps through a set of glass doors into the gate.

Dave turns to you and approaches you. You meekly hand him your ID and he gives it back to you.

"You know the drill" he says as his eyes roam your body from top to bottom. You notice that it looks like there is a bulge in his pants - you aren't sure if it's from touching Amy or the idea that he is about to do the same thing to you. You consider asking for his supervisor but aren't sure if it will cause a scene or problems for Amy or her family with the plane service.

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