TSRM- Place 3 pills on Rose's dish?

From Create Your Own Story

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Its been a while since you have seen Rose sleep so your not exactly sure just how of a light sleeper she is. Removing the three capsules from the case you quickly twist them until they open up, letting the crushed medicine flow free into a bowl. Filling the rest of it with the meal you cooked, you mix the powder until you can no longer make out the contamination from the pasta. Filling the rest of the bowls, you take Rose's bowl in your hands to make sure that someone else does not get it by mistake.

"Come and get it!" You yell over your shoulder as a stampede of feet seems to shake the house its self.

"Yay food!" Bayley dives into the kitchen, like a bolt of lightning she grabs the closet bowl and just as quickly as she entered she left, leaving Nicole to be the one to replace her. Elegant as always she takes significant strides with her long legs, her short arms bobbing up and down on her shoulders. Passing you, she takes the bowl and looks down into it with a grin on her face.

"Going all out tonight, aren't we?" She laughs, take a step forward she pulls on your chin and gives you a small kiss on the cheek. Surprised by her sudden display of affection, your cheeks glow red in embarrassment as she laughs while making her way out of the room.

With your hand on your cheek, you can feel the heat radiating from your face as Rose enters the room last of them all. You're a little surprised that she was the last one to show up, given that she was sitting much closer than the rest of them.

"A little late to the party are we?" You joke as she looks around the kitchen for her food.

"Shut up... where's mine at?" Her eyes come up to meet yours.

"Oh well I guess there's none left... this one is mine-" Before you can finish Rose snatches up the bowl from you and sticks a large heap of it into her mouth. With an evil grin in her eyes, Rose turns on her heels and vanishes from the kitchen, retreating back to wherever it is that she goes during the night time.

"Greed will come back to get you." You mutter with a dark laugh as you attend to the dirty dishes left behind by the three of them.

It doesn't take you too long to clean everything up and place the clean pan back onto the stovetop to let it dry off a bit more. Stretching your back from having being bent over the sink for so long you let a yawn out and leave from the tiled floor of the kitchen. Peaking your head out from the edge of the doorway, you glance into the living room thinking you might spot Rose sitting on the couch, but you see no sight of her.

"That's odd...." You say out loud to yourself, it's not very common to see Rose not sitting on the couch. Turning your attention down the dark hallway, you can seem to make out a small flickering light coming from a crack in Rose's doorway and then bouncing off the door to Bayley's room across the hall. Cautiously walking down the hallway, you find yourself face to face with Rose's door, you press your ear against the wooden surface. The only thing you could make out from this side of the door was the sounds of some type of action film on her TV, though you couldn't say for sure. There was no music, no taps of a phone, not even the sound of her voice... it seems as though the pills worked pretty well.

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