ToI -- Lore/Playable Races
From Create Your Own Story
There are many intelligent Races that have lived on Illnora, and many of them have their own stories to tell. But for the purposes of your story, these are the races you can choose. Note that mot all races are available to play in all Eras.
The races of Illnora and a brief description of them are as follows:
- Dragons -- The most ancient of all the mortal races, Dragons are basically giant six-limbed lizards (two of those limbs are their wings) that can grow to immense sizes.Dragons are inherently magical in nature, and posses a number of powerful abilities, such as powerful Breath Weapons, the ability to shift between Dimisions (During the Golden Age only), and the ability to assume a humanoid form. Dragons are known for being prideful and arrogant, for it was their folly that caused the Great Cataclysm. Nevertheless, dragons are also notoriously curious in nature. Playable during the following Eras: The First Empire Era, The Great Cataclysm Era, & The Golden Age.
- Humans -- These are your bread and butter humans. They are incredibly versatile and adaptive in nature, and can be found pretty much everywhere on Illnora. While not inherently magical, the adaptability and ingeniousness of humans have allowed them to rival and even supersede the abilities of ancient dragons in Magical feats and abilities. All other humanoid races are directly descended from them. Playable in all Eras.
- Elves -- Elves are descended from strong human magic users; as such all elves have stronger flows of magic running through their veins that grants them inherently longer lives than humans. Elves are characterized by their beautiful appearance, pointy ears, and somewhat frail frame. Playable in only the Silver Age.
- Dwarves: Descended from humans of small stature who chose to dwell in the mountains and foothills of Illnora, dwarves are extremely hardy and are excellent craftsmen. Playable in only the Silver Age.
- Halflings: Descended from humans of small stature who chose to dwell on the plains, Halflings are either quiet folk who work the land and seek to live a simple yet confortable life, or traveling merchants known for swindling people. Halflings are notorious for being mischievous streak. Playable in only the Silver Age.
- Orcs: These primal green skinned humanoids dwell in the wilderness and form seemingly primitive tribes or clans. Orcs are a warrior race with a complex culture with a strong code of honor, respect for Spirits, and a strong ties to nature. Playable in only the Silver Age.
- Goblins: Goblins are mischievous pranksters descended from both Orcs and Halflings. These small green-skinned humanoids have somehow managed to combine aspects of the Orcs Honor-based culture with the mischievousness of the Halflings, creating a culture that values trickery, pranks, and deception as being honorable (so long as you do not get caught). Playable in only the Silver Age.
- Tal'Dori -- Tal'Dori are large blue-skinned humanoids distantly related to elves. Not much is really known about them as they tend to keep to themselves. It is rumored that their understanding of magic in the Silver Age is unrivaled, except possibly by their elvish cousins. Playable in only the Silver Age.