High Voltage/Details

From Create Your Own Story

< High Voltage
Revision as of 05:37, 20 January 2018 by Deckard (Talk | contribs)

You open your mouth to object to this stranger's violation of your fiance, but the deed is already done, and the situation seems awfully hot, too. Plus, who knows, you could even learn something about how to satisfy Jess better. You blush, and stammer, "Uhhh, actually... could you, um... tell me the details?"

Lauren -- or was it Jason -- smirked and raises his eyebrows in surprise. "That's the spirit," he approves. "So, like I said, Jess was grinding my cock with no pants on. She's pretty hot, you know. I am not sure what she sees in you but- "

"Hey!" I interject. "Keep to the story please?"

"Anyway," he continues, "I'm not into girls, but if I were, Jess would turn my head. So my cock started to ache, it wanted some room, you know? Never understood why guys were always playing pocket pool. Anyway, Jess noticed too, and purred as she unbuckled and freed it. I kind of giggled when it sprang free, but despite her disapproval, Jess grabbed my cock and led me to the bedroom, stroking it as she stepped backward. I stammered some kind of protest but when she dropped to her knees to suck me off, the fireworks blew all that away.

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