Become Corbin's girlfriend.

From Create Your Own Story

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"I accept." You lean over to kiss him on the cheek. "With cooking like yours, how can I say no?"

"Ah, so the cooking's got you." He chuckled and embraced you. You tuck yourself in his arms comfortably while staring peacefully out the window.

"Corbin?" You suddenly gazed up at him.

"Yes, my Alexis?" He responded while gently caressing your brunette hair.

"Back in the parking garage, one of the guards addressed you by your first name...shouldn't he have called you boss or something?"

"Ah, that guy." He chuckled. "One of Clark's goons, the guards answer directly to Clark and his uncle Don Arnold, my business partner."

"And what happened with Clark?"

"I had him dismissed from the company for his misconducts. His uncle too, I bought him out and now I'm the full owner of the company."

You look up at him to see if he was joking, but his eyes were calm and steady with no sign of jest. He continued, "I've actually seen your resume and portfolio, very impressive. You are just the type of person I need to replace Clark. Would you like a position at the company?"

"Can we call it Alexis and Reynolds Corporation?" You teased playfully, even though inwardly you're so excited that you feel your heart might burst from your chest.

"" He retorted with equal lightheartedness. The two of you, newfound lovers in arms, shared another laugh.

You became an integral part of his staff, helping "Corbin Reynold Corporation" reach new heights while weeding out internal corruption among sexual predators, at the same time empowering other young female recruits to excel at their new job. That middle-aged receptionist woman, Tilda, who helped you escape the lustful clutches of Wilson Clark, was promoted to an executive position of Corbin's company, and she continue to be to you as both a mentor and mother figure.

Your love life with Corbin remains hidden from your company colleagues until you announced your engagement. He has since handed control of the company to Tilda and devoted himself to be the caring husband and father to his wife and their 6-month old son.

Congratulations, you've managed to lead yourself to the best possible conclusion: Nice job, nice home, and a loving family.

The End

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