D&D: Red Lion: Marick

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Lead by his ideas of honor and chivalry Marik is on a quest to protect every citizen in Waterdeep. He join the team after Barras and Leon made it when they found him trying to fight off a pack of wolves on his own. After helping him Marik joined the team. He has a strong moral compass wich usually puts him on the oposite side of every argument agaist Rider. Appearance wise Marik wears heavy Palidin armor and a centurion helmit over his short blond hair. He's also tall (6"5') and built like a bear. Being almost as big as Barras. Marik is also in love with Lyra. A human wioman who is skilled at Magic currently working as the town's alchemist.

The party members:

D&D: Red Lions: Leon Male human ranger (leader)

D&D: Red Lion: Barras Male HalfOrc Fighter

D&D: Red Lion: Bertrand Male Dwarf Cleric

D&D: Red Lion: Lucas Male Human Wizard

D&D: Red Lion: Rider Math Human Rouge

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