D&D: FEW Apply for Carlig

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You apply for Carlig's caravan heading south to calimshan. You are presented with information on how you can meet your patron. You are also paid a fair amount as forward money, standard fee.

You smile and head towards the ship you were pointed at, the formidable caravel, Wavebreaker.

Heading towards the dock, you find the Wavebreaker easily, as it is a sizable vessel. Many dockhand are busy packing up goods. Large, closed crates and wrapped up containers.

As you approach, one of the sailor halts you:"Hey there, You shouldn't be around here. it's dangerous."

You smile at him. You are often mistaken for a teen by humans until they see your ears and finds out your older than their grandma.

"That's okay. I was hired to provide escort to this ship." you say non-challantly with a grin.

It's unsettling for someone so young to speak so clearly and in such a politely manners. He eyes you a little, realising you might be older then you seem. You think he's looking up your book but his attention is more focused on your skirt. When he dosn't look more convinced, you just produce the letter from the merchant's guild.

"Huh I see... well Carlig's up on the deck. You might wanna check up with him." he finaly drops.

"Thanks. I will do that." You reply curtly.

You hop aboard and manoeuver between the workhand towards the deck where you find Carlig. He is a stereotypical Calimshan merchant. Wearing desert-themed outfit with dusk-colored skin and mysterious golden eye. A litle well-trimmed beard and an expression of constant plotting. His eyes narrows at your aproach.

You walk up to him and present yourself, explaining your purpose. He looks at you with a smile.

His eyes examine you. You feel his merchant stares looking deep at your traits, appraising your value in all senses. He then grins

"Well this voyage may not be so boring after all. I apologize for hiring such an esteemed person for this kind of voyage but I am glad you answered." He says slightly apologetically,

"That's okay. there's enough trouble nowadays, extra protection is always a good precaution." You reply,

"Wise word indeed. I will have your quarters liberated shortly. I would speak to you more about what you can do on this ship for me." he adds with a grin. You feel his tone involve something naughty and you heat up a little.

As the ship depart, you watch the city and coast slowly shrink in the distance. As you watch, the sailor that welcomed you present himself. His name is Erick

"Not feeling homesick already?" he asks with a smile.

"No, not really. It's good to go out of the city once in awhile." you says with a smile.

He nods. "Well, out here, nothing but the blue. If tranquil's what you want." he says. You guess it's some form of sailor poetry? you chuckle a little.

You slowly retire to your room.

D&D: FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 1st day: Go see Carlig

D&D: FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 1st day: Go talk with Erick

D&D: FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 1st day: Go to bed

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