D&D: Female Human Wizard

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 10:27, 6 August 2017 by Baquea (Talk | contribs)

As a wizard, you have honed your craft through academic arcane learning.

Taken at a young age to a school of magic, you have spent your childhood mastering tricks and manipulating mana into spells.

You have matured into a beautiful woman of 19 years of age, yet you have remained mostly unaware of your beauty, being too focused in your studies. You traded your shoulder length blonde haircut for longer hair while you were in school, simply putting it up into a ponytail when it needed to be kept out of the way. The world soon revealed itself to your bright blue eyes in a way that it hadn't before, yet you remained naive in other, more worldly ways. Your sexual urges kept repressed, you had often found yourself frustrated and unsure as to why. Your body however, had different ideas, as your gawky and skinny teenage form matured into a stunning hourglass figure, with taut curves in all the right places. Your pimply face and body maturing into a nearly flawless fair complexion.

Now that you have reached adulthood, you have been taken up by a master who has decide to personally lesson you in the mystical arts of magic. You wake up early each morning to wash at a nearby well before getting dressed in the attire your masters have provided you. It is a blue silken dress with a pair of slits that reaches up your thighs, and has a v-neck that plunges past your D-cup breasts, which leaves you showing quite a bit of cleavage. The dress includes a sash that ties across your midriff. Also included with your accouterments are a set of small white lace panties with a matching bra. While you find it convenient to walk, you feel it reveals a lot of flesh to the outside world with a stiff breeze.

You go back to your room in the school, as your master does not have a room yet ready for you.

You pick up your wands and your book of spells before walking out in the courtyard to find many other students, most of them at least a year behind you. You can see them talking amongst themselves and some even doing friendly contest of charms and enhancement.

As you walk past some of them, you reach the gateway and overhear the gatekeeper talking with one of the town's guard. The gatekeeper speaks in hushed tones about mysterious creatures in the sewer.

D&D: You aproach the guard and the gatekeeper and inquire about the trouble

D&D: You walk into town and take the long path to your master's tower

D&D: You head to your master's tower

D&D: You notice one of your book is missing and you go back to fetch it

D&D: You go to visit with the other students

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