Audrey stays quiet, she was in enough trouble as it is!

From Create Your Own Story

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As the boys prepare to depart, they turn and give Audrey one last look.

The door to the room is wrenched open and two figures, masked and in black, stride into the room. The boys freeze in shock. Two dart guns are raised and two darts slam into two necks. The boys pass out instantly.

Audrey looks on, stunned, as the boys are stripped, their clothes piled neatly under two desks, their valuables removed and placed in a backpack, and their naked bodies laid on two tables. The used darts are retrieved.

"What about her?" says one of the figures. The voice is feminine.

"The drug will make her forget all," says the other. A dart slams into Audrey's shoulder and she blacks out.

When Audrey awoke, she was naked and lying in a bed in one of the female dorms. A very pretty blonde, her height and solidly built, with large, firm breasts, was lying on her left side. To her right was a stunning brunette, with long legs, a perfect figure, smaller, perky breasts, and a smiling face.

"Wha... what happened?" Audrey moaned. "Where am I?"

"You came and partied with us last night, hon," the brunette replied.

"Don't you remember anything?" the blonde giggled.

Audrey shook her head. "The last thing I remember is getting dressed for school in the morning."

"We'll have to help jog your memory then, Audrey," the brunette grinned. "I'm Barbara, and this is my roommate, Gina."

"And we spent lots of time in this bed," Gina added. "Doing things like this." With that, she latched her mouth onto one of Audrey's breasts, while Barbara started suckling Audrey's other breast. Having both her nipples suckled at once made Audrey shiver, and she let out a soft moan.

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