From Create Your Own Story
These dives always seep a rising mist from unseen crevices in the seedy architecture. Subcultures disillusioned with the Singularity, augged up or not, gather here to drown in either drink or dance, loneliness or lust. They undulate in the harsh strobes and commiserate at the bar in droves, silhouettes flickering in and out of existence.
Places like this, where reception to the Interneural Network - the "in" - is spotty at best. Few people are jacked in anyway. The best places to hunt for data contraband - or, in layman's terms, gossip - are in these conglomerations of wet flesh and soft metal. No need to worry about facial recognition software when you're off the grid in dark joints.
The only trace of your identity as a bounty hunter working as part of the Cyber.void Network is an encrypted identifier stored in your neurowatch, and once you flag and quarantine that byte, you'll be as anonymous as any other client. You'll become your codename: