D&D: Red Lions: Leon

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The voice of reason on the team and the team's leader. Leon is well respected amung his team and when something goes wrong he's the first to try and set it strait. His full head of short brown hair and his stubly beard of brown hair are always messy and unkept due to his lack of caring for his appearance. He's tall (around 6"3') and strong but not as muscular as the other members of the team. He wears a dark green hood over a set of light leather armor and carries a long bow on his back. Before the team came together he lived out in the wood alone. In fact he still perfers to be alone and only desided to form a team when he noticed a half Orc despirately trying to find adventurer work. Leon felt bad for him so he desided to make up his own team so the Half-Orc could join. Dispite Leon's anti-social tendencies he cares a lot about his team mates and would die for them if he has to. The one he cares about the most is Barras. Secretly Leon wants to be in a relationship with the Half Orc but is unsure how the other would react to a confession. They're close but Barras is always talking about being with women and how annoying other men can be. Even if Barras is truly straight Leon knows the feelings he has for Barras won't change unless he finally confesses.

The other party members:

D&D: Red Lion: Marick Male human paladin

D&D: Red Lion: Barras Male HalfOrc Fighter

D&D: Red Lion: Bertrand Male Dwarf Cleric

D&D: Red Lion: Lucas Male Human Wizard

D&D: Red Lion: Rider Math Human Rouge

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