GSM/Send her to the store

From Create Your Own Story

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Your wife wants you to do things to her body she has never dreamed of, or perhaps she has, but in stead of going along, you say, "Go take a shower."

With a wicked grin, she asks, "Do you want to join me?"

You think for a moment, then say, "Not right now. I have to put together a shopping list for you."

She purses her lips and says, "OK, but you are mine later. Well, at least I am yours."

She walks into the bathroom and you can hear the water running. You go online and check the local sex store. It is not your typical XXX stuff. Rather, it is one for couples. You start to right down everything you want her to buy. When she finishes her shower and walks into the room, you hand her the list and send her out to get the supplies.

She is not gone long.

Your wife:

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