She races the boy

From Create Your Own Story

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Condition Scared, Embarrassed Apparel and Items: Diapered
Day, Time Saturday, Morning
Need to Bathroom growing urge
Level of Humiliation Diapered and playing with children.

"Fine, i'll race you" Katie answered. What was there to lose? These children probably still got fed breast milk two years ago, it wouldn't matter if they saw her boobs. She let her arms fall down and set her boobs free. She grabbed the red car the boy offered and put it down on the mat.
,br> "Where do we start?" she asked, but the boy had already begun his race. He was moving his hand with the car in it randomly on the mat. Not at all what Katie expected, but she couldn't complain. She joined him and moved the car on the mat as if she was cleaning the floor and the boy seemed to love it. With het leaning forward whilst sitting on her knees, her breasts jiggled due to her wild arm movement, and her diaper towered into the air. She was actually having fun! After a couple of minutes of random movements their cars collided and she let her car fall off the mat. It had been fun but she needed to hide.
"You win!" she exclaimed. "Can you show me where your hiding spot is now?"
"Okay" the boy said smugfaced. "I'll be there but you need to close your eyes and count to 10. Can you count to 10?"
"I don't have time for your games" Katie explained. "I quickly need to hide."
"I think you can't count to ten!" the boy yelled.
"Yes i can!" Katie argued. "I can count to a Thousand!"
"I don't believe you" the boy said and before Katie realised she was counting out loud.
"One, Two, Thee".
"Close your eyes or you cheat" the boy said.
She closed her eyes and counted to ten. She actually fell for his little plan. It made her feel childish too, but it did not matter in the end. She'd find him anyway.

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