User talk:Yihman1

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 14:04, 21 February 2017 by Yihman1 (Talk | contribs)
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Please make sure you include the category and status bar on the pages you post. --Platypus 15:45, 3 June 2011 (UTC)

Please try to work with the existing style of the story. The other pages in the story do not have underlines or name the page links with question marks. --Platypus 15:58, 4 June 2011 (UTC)

Please try to properly punctuate your work. --Platypus 00:54, 29 June 2011 (UTC)

You have good plot ideas, but you are seriously undermining your work with poor grammar, especially when you fail to punctuate dialogue properly. --Platypus 14:33, 30 June 2011 (UTC)

English was my absolute worst class in school. Grammar & Punctuation are not my strengths :( I was always great at math history and science though lol. Sorry for that I can't help it. When I wrote some erotica on another site they said the same thing... made me edit my spelling / punctuation 3 times before I got it good enough--Yihman1

Grammar may not come easily to you, but you should put some effort into learning. No one is incapable of improvement. There are even some basic Grammatical Tips available on this site.--Platypus 17:22, 30 June 2011 (UTC)

Maybe instead of posting so many pages, you should take the time to review your writing. There is no excuse for elementary-school-level mistakes such as leaving apostrophes out of possessive words other than forgetfulness or lack of attention. If I need to edit every single page you post, your writing will no longer be welcome in a story I have put as much into as Rampage. --Platypus 14:26, 1 July 2011 (UTC)

The furthest I got in high school was 8th grade. I was young, and got pregnant. I didn't have the time for both school & taking care of a baby. So I technically do have an elementary-school-level education which you seem to use as an insult. I'm sure you went to college, and got yourself in a different kind of trouble perhaps a large debt, but hey you got your fancy diploma and I got my kids. I wouldn't trade my kids for a diploma if I had the chance to do it all over again. So ya, maybe I'm not as good as you at putting the correct grammar or punctuation, but I do my best. I look at writing as an art to be creative, I feel you look at it as more of a science where you follow rules that are set in stone.--Yihman1

I mention elementary school only in the sense that even small children are expected to know some grammar, and you seem to be aware of how apostrophes are used, because when you do use them, you use them correctly. But you don't use them consistently, which indicates lack of attention, not lack of knowledge. Writing is indeed an artistic endeavor, but without a grammatical base to support your art, it is a very flawed art. I'm not asking you to be perfect. But I am asking you to take a second look at what you've written and attempt to at least punctuate properly. Or start your own story so I won't feel I have any vested interest in the story you're adding ungrammatical pages to.--Platypus 05:46, 2 July 2011 (UTC)

Please try to keep the story as Choose Your Own Adventure. Not Choose His or Choose Hers. The choices should be for your character only. --Platypus 01:18, 14 July 2011 (UTC)

Ok, sorry about that. We are really getting Rampage rolling. I think we make a good team. --Yihman1

Could you at least try to keep things in the present tense instead of drifting in and out of past tense tense? Especially if you're going to post such long pages. --Platypus 16:32, 1 January 2013 (UTC)


I'm keeping an eye on the windy Lea Tale to see if any story actually develops out of that seemingly endless series of character options. If nothing comes of it soon, I'll start reminding him that the site is meant for stories. 200+ pages without any story does seem excessive. --Platypus 22:55, 5 September 2011 (UTC)

A link in your profile to your other writing is acceptable. But thanks for asking before just adding it. --Platypus 15:20, 26 October 2012 (UTC)

Sorted Victims

I can't think of a way to make a category sort by anything other than name, unless we edit each page in the category to put a different sort key into it. That would be time consuming and would need constant updating. Creating another page as a sortable database might be doable, though. --Platypus 23:49, 8 January 2013 (UTC)

Just so you know, musty means smelling and tasting like mold, reminding one of long-shuttered abandoned buildings or stale food. Musky means smelling and tasting like citrus or lily of the valley, and musk oil is used in perfumes. I hoped the little girl doesn't taste moldy! --Platypus 16:21, 27 January 2013 (UTC)


I've also noticed the slow load times recently. The site goes through these periods now and then. I don't know of any way to speed it up. --Platypus 16:02, 7 February 2013 (UTC)

Unfortunately, page loading frequency isn't my decision to make. RobKohr is the Admin and he's in charge of that sort of thing. Hopefully the lagging will frustrate the spam-bots even more than it frustrates the users. Once the bots give up and go away, things will run much more smoothly. --Platypus 05:15, 20 April 2013 (UTC)

Again, RobKohr is the Admin, and lag, or lack thereof, is up to him to make the decisions about. It would be nice if the lag was gone for good though. The spam-bots don't seem to be posting very often anymore, so hopefully the lag is no longer necessary. --Platypus 00:47, 12 August 2013 (UTC)

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