Invite Koth to compare "beauty"

From Create Your Own Story

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This nomad is certainly more interesting than anyone you might consider courting, to say nothing of being a great physical specimen. You put your hand in his, and take a small step away.

"Let us fully compare each others Wonders and Beauties, and see who is willing to surrender first. Shall we?"

Koth smiles emphatically "A great idea, Your Majesty. If you're certain your presence will not be missed, that is..."

"I'm certain my mother and siblings can keep the festivities going" You reply as he leads you out. Exiting the throne room, you take a tour through most of the castle, taking a very large time through the pavilion overlooking the ocean.

"I've heard that the sea can be quite the cruel enchantress. Looking upon it even from here, I can see why. It is as open and free as the plains, and the bonds between sailors are likely as strong as any. You are quite fortunate to have such natural beauty so close to such a sculpted one." For being a 'savage' by some standards, Koth seems to possess a poetic, romantic air about him, and not one being used to get your underwear off, which is refreshing, even though you plan for that to occur anyway.

Things are generally secluded, except for your protector Lars, keeping a measured distance away to give you privacy.

"Who is that armored man who is always a shadow's length away?" Koth eventually asks, a growing sense that he is not entirely trusted falling upon him.

"My protector Lars. He's just making sure nothing bad happens."

Koth chews on this thought for a moment. "A true protector would have taught you to fight for yourself, I think. Will he always follow you, or is there somewhere that we can go where he can't?"

Take Koth to bed with you

Leave on Koth's horse

Ask Lars to leave

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