ApocE/Get a phone call

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 04:46, 4 December 2016 by Asdfg (Talk | contribs)

My phone starting ringing as I climbed in my car. Answering it, I put the phone to my ear. "Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Allen," a familiar voice replied. It was Juliet, a girl I knew from school. We weren't exactly friends, but we talked sometimes, and she obviously has my number. She was three years younger than me, and a freshman. "My mom had to go to work early today," Juliet explained. "Could you give me a ride?"

"Sure," I told her. "I'll be there in a minute." I drove to her house and honked the horn. My phone rang again and this time, the call sounded static-y. I realized it was running water.

"Sorry, I'm in the shower," Juliet informed me. "And I forgot my towel. The front door is unlocked, could you bring me one?"

"Whatever," I muttered. I stopped the car and entered her house, finding a towel on the table outside her bathroom. I knocked on the bathroom door.

"Bring it in!" She yelled. I opened the door and shut it behind me so the steam wouldn't set off the fire alarm. I held the towel out next to the curtain of the shower. I expected her to just reach her hand out, but instead, the entire curtain flung aside, revealing Juliet's naked body. She grabbed the towel with one hand and my arm with her other. She tossed aside the towel and pulled me in the shower with her. My clothes were soaked, but they didn't stay on me for long. Juliet pulled them off, tossing them on the towel, until we were both naked.

I was in so much shock, I couldn't move until she grabbed my hardening cock. By then, arousal overtook my self control. I grabbed her chest and pushed her against the wall, kissing her. When she added tongues to the kiss, I lifted her body up and against my own. Juliet grabbed my dick and positioned it below her virgin pussy, rubbing my tip on her. I lowered her onto it, forcing out a loud moan of pleasure.

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