Chase down the most handsome man in the room

From Create Your Own Story

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Courtly demeanor dictates you should banter and humor all of the guests. They are here to celebrate you after all. You certainly intend to do this, part of what allows your kingdom to continue to survive and grow are the other kingdom's continuing to travel and trade here. It would be a shame for that to stop just because you weren't polite. Still, many of these men seek more than that: if one were to marry you and become King, than the wealth and throne would naturally belong to them, or so they think. It's been your mothers responsibility, and now yours, to strike that balance between familiarity and kindness and keeping the callers at arms length.

You do your brief pandering, and will certainly give more attention to the man-children who need it, but with this being a celebration of you and your new seat as Queen, you'll do your best to enjoy it while you can. As you make your rounds, you compare each man in the room to all of the others, trying to find the most attractive specimen here to take as your own, if only for a moment. This is beginning to feel easy and underwhelming, as most of the men you've already seen before, and have had mixed intimate relations with the most attractive among them.

Just as you begin to lose any hope of something new and exciting, something unexpected peaks your interest from the corner of your eye. You move closer in, and see something truly unexpected; a young man, about your age, wearing the celebratory garments of one of the Horseman Tribes. His skin is well bronzed and tanned and possesses a muscular build, both uncharacteristic of the dandelions here. His jet hair is tied in an elaborate ponytail, tucked into the back of his robes. His piercing green eyes seem to constantly be on guard, never completely focused on what is directly in front, and yet he wears a peaceful and friendly smile with those he talks to.

You've never talked to one of the nomads before, and you actually start to feel fluttering in your chest, something that hasn't happened since you were little. Still, this is your one chance. Hopefully, he isn't put off by your forward ways and appearances.

As you approach, the nomad separates himself from his conversation and walks towards you in turn, than gives an appropriate, seemingly genuine, bow of respect. His tongue is clearly accented, but speaks with great precision "Congratulations Your Highness. The Eleven Nomadic Tribes bring you messages of good luck, good health, and good relations"

"Thank you, very much Horseman. It's unexpected to see any of you here. Are you the only one?"

He nods in agreement "You may call me Koth, and yes. I speak for all. Only one man is needed in order to deliver a message."

You respectfully curtsy in response "The message is well received, Koth"

Koth manages to bring a chuckle down to a large smile "Thank you Your Majesty. Also, many compare us Horsemen to the smell of fish from the markets; Easier to tolerate in smaller numbers."

Unfortunately, Koth speaks true, most can't or don't bother to tell the difference between the Horseman Tribes and the marauding barbarians.

"Regrettable, to be sure. Your people have always been good friends and with wonderful culture" A bit diplomatic on your part, but forgiveable. Your knowledge of them is far from solid, but you have always been captivated by what you've heard.

"You are too kind Your Highness. I assure you the wonder and beauty in this room would make the best of us surrender his horse and bow, if given the offer" Koth gently strokes your cheek with his hand. It's rough and strong, to say nothing of being unexpected. He's certainly being flirty, but there's an air of sincerity that you have not felt in the company of others. Is he REALLY the one you want to take tonight?

Invite Koth to compare "beauty"

Kiss the nomad in front of everyone

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