Start of Second Day

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Robb woke up to the sound of bells. Must be the fucking Sept of Baelor, Robb thought as he pulled on his clothes. Once he was dressed, he went out to the dinning area, where his two sisters were already enjoying breakfast.

"So, Robb, what are your plans for today?" Sansa asked, enjoying a lemon cake.

"I have to deal with the prisnors today," Robb replied, trying to make it sound like it would be a chore. In reality, Robb was looking foward to having Cercei and Daenarys at his disposal.

"Sounds boring," Arya added, though she gave Robb a look that made him wonder if she knew something, "Will you have anytime for something more fun?"

"Probably not," Robb lied, still imagining getting head from a Queen "Things are pretty hectic with Stannis beginning his rule. I want to make for Winterfell as soon as possible. Our place is in the North." Both his sisters agreed with him, neither liking the capital very much. Sansa especially hated the capital, for it was a place full of her worst memories.

"Well," Arya remarked, finishing her chicken, "If you want to have some fun, I'll be in my room." With that she gave Robb a wink, stood up, and left the room, swaying her hips on her way out. Robb's eyes were drawn to her cute ass, and considered putting the Queens off just so he could have a taste.

Sansa was amused by Arya's overt flirtation. "Well, I don't think I will have time for any 'fun.' I have stand witness at some of the Lannister trials." Her mood darkened at that. The Lannister trials were a series of trials for war criminals on the side of the Lannisters. Ser Meryn Trant, Jaimie Lanister, Tyrion Lannister, Littlefinger, Varys, Grand Maester Pycelle, and Ser Loras Tyrell, among many others, would be put on trial. Soon after would be the Kraken Trials, but they would be relatively smaller.

Robb reached out and held his sister's hand. "I know it will be tough, but try and be strong for our family. We are Starks. Show them how strong we are."

Sansa got out of her chair and hugged him. "Thank you, that really means a lot." Robb steals a kiss on her lips before she gathers her dress and leaves, a look of determination on her face.

Where does Robb go first?

Arya's room seems enticing

The Targaryen girl

Pay a visit to Cersei

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