D&D: FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 1st day: Go see Carlig

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You are guided to your quarters where you unpack your things. the trip is a few days so you might as well get comforteable. Your quarters are nothing more then a simple room with a bed and some space. After you're done, you decide to go see Carlig. He did say he would have more for you to do.

You get to his room and knock on the door. "Come in" you hear on the other side.

You get in. Carlig's room looks alot like a captain's suite. A large room with decorations and a bed. "Ah there you are." he says with a grin.

"Right. well you said you would have more for me to do right ?"

Carlig : Indeed I did.. Now that we're off sea... I'd like to know what exactly are you ready to do here ?

"What do you mean ?"

Carlig -smile- : well there is always some risks. The wrath of the sea. Pirates. But otherwise, sailing a ship is pretty boring.

"I know that.. I'm willing to cope up with it though !"

Carlig : you might not have to. How would you like to be in charge of entertainement ?

"Entertainement?" you says, with the heat rising to your cheek.

Carlig -smile- : you have a lovely body. I am sure you wouldn't get bored...

You blush hard and look at him. He's not really good looking. But you are getting horny. You're not sure where it's coming from but heat is rising up in your loins. He gets up and walk over to you. eyeing you up and down. "I'm not sure..." you manage to mumble

Carlig: are you certain ?... -his hand reaches you and begins to lace your clothes. you feel your top loosen a bit- I would definately enjoy trying you out right now...

He let go of your clothes and walks over to his desk. looking at you with a smirk. "You were paid to come with us and be under my orders after all... why don't you take off your clothes now."

D&D: FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 1st day: Gives in and takes off your clothes

D&D: FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 1st day: Refuse and head back to your room

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