Grab the nearby razor wire pouch

From Create Your Own Story

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Floating just ahead of you is your razor wire pouch. 'Gotcha' You think as you quickly snatch the pouch. Forming a wicked idea in your head, you begin to unspool the razor wire into the surrounding water. While it may cut you, it'll do much worse to the naked Squid girl and her exposed tentacles.

Creating a floating barrier of sharp wire, you try to get eyes back on the Squid girl. Seeing movement but nothing 100%, you continue moving slowly back to your boat. Careful to stay inside your barrier, your plan appears to be working. You suffer the occasional cut here and there, but its a small price to pay for the protection it grants you.

Suddenly, a tentacle shoots out along the surface of the water to grab you. Slowed in the water, there's not much you could do to avoid it. Fortune favors you however, as the tentacle withdraws rapidly. Seeing a small red cloud in the water, you predict that your plan worked very effectively indeed.

You climb up into your boat, soaked and startled, but very much alive.

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