Piggy's Day/Wander around for a bit

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< Piggy's Day
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You can see a few possible exits, but they're too low for you to reach. You wade neck-deep around the pipe-laden ceiling of the empty locker room, trying to find something to climb down with. You find nothing but empty bags of chips.

Piggy: "I swear that I've never seen a locker room that doesn't have skiing poles on the top of the lockers. Not even that time I went to Dubai... I could use one of those to cram myself up onto that doorframe."

You then spot a large plastic pipe near another exit, a bit further down the hall.

Piggy: "Now THIS I can use to get up. Or down. Or maybe both, who knows?"

You climb the pipe and manage to get on the same level as the top of the doorframe. You then jump through the door and end up in a hallway. The lights dimmen on one side of the hallway, but the other side is completely bright.

You go:

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