
From Create Your Own Story

< Fate
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Both of you trying your very best to stay out of the soaking rain, you two finally make it to Krystle's room.

You hurriedly put back your own clothes and give Krystle's soaked clothes back to her.

"Thanks for the clothes. Sorry about it getting soaked," you say.

"No worries," Krystle tells you.

The both of you jump at the sudden thunderstorm cracking the sky above.

"Let's, uh, wait it out," Krystle laughs.

After hours on end, the rain still hasn't stopped, and it looks like it won't be stopping anytime soon. For the entire time you and Krystle find yourselves deep in conversation, going from music to celebrity crushes, before you realize that you need to get home. Even after a bit more while, you call your mom to let her know how you're trapped at the moment.

"It's alright, honey," she says. "Let us talk to Krystle's parents. Maybe they can allow you to sleep in for the night."

"They said she's welcome to stay if she wants to," informs Krystle.

"It is pretty cold," you say. "Uh..."

Krystle's awaiting an answer! What do you say?

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