Serenity: go on the rides!

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Serenity loved the trill of being on a fast ride. Without any other thought; Serenity made her way to the long line to purchase a ticket.

Taking in the summer rays, Serenity was up next and pulled out her wallet. Paying for her ticket; Serenity then made her way passed the crowed awing at the sight of the intimidating thrill ride. She was next in line as she heard the screams of adrenaline fueled people as the long metal arms rushed through the air.

"Excuse me ma'am" A voice peers behind Serenity. "Could you please place your handbag into the basket, it'll be returned to you after the ride." Continued the old female carnival worker.

Serenity approves and softly rest her belongings on top of other peoples items. "Enjoy the ride" Said the grumpy old lady walking off.

It was now time, Serenity watches as the metal cage opens releasing the dizzy participants walk out. A group of three girls and two other guys accompanied Serenity as they all strapped themselves securely inside the cage. Sitting with the group of girls, Serenity anticipated the wait as the metal door closes and the large metal arm raises the cage in the air. Serenity's heart raced preparing herself for a thrill. She then noticed that one of the young guys was starring at her. Serenity makes eye contact with the admirer and squints curiously at him.

Perhaps wearing a dress wasn't such a good idea. Serenity imagined as she touched both of her knees together trying to cover her pink panties as best she could.

Without warning; the whole group screamed in surprise and shock as the metal arm began to rapidly spin. Their heads pointed in one direction as the force of the ride pushed their bodies. Serenity began to laugh as the feeling of butterflies piled up in her stomach as the ride sped it's pace. One of the girls tightly grasps Serenity's arm for comfort making Serenity further amused. With her hair flying wildly, Serenity opens her eyes seeing nothing but blurs. She could tell that the cage they were all in was upside down as the arm spun even faster. Serenity looked back at the guy whom was previously looking at her. He didn't look like he was enjoying it, in fact; it seems like he was about to puke.

Let's hope he holds until this ride finishes. Serenity prays to herself.

At last the ride slowed its speed as the whole crew inside the cage opens their eyes and gaze at each other in amazement.

"Holy shit that was crazy!" Screams one girl to her friend.

Serenity looks back at the sickly guy and notices that his face was awfully pale. The others also noticed this as they made their way out of the cage. Avoiding him, he finally pukes in front of the line of people who were next for the ride. This excited some while others became frightened. Serenity however enjoyed it a lot, she couldn't possibly wipe the smile off her face.

Making her way off the platform, Serenity was met with the same woman with the basket of possessions. Handing over her handbag the old lady then walked off leaving Serenity to search inside it. Her wallet was definitely there, but her phone; it was gone! What could it have gone, did the old carnival worker take it, and if so, why didn't she also steal her wallet. Furious with the loss of her phone, Serenity gained the courage and marched back towards the basket holding thief. But before Serenity could have a word with her however, she was stopped by a hand grasping her arm. Spinning around, Serenity was met with an old man. He had a full set of gray flat hair but with a shiny bald spot in the center of his head. With a large smile on his wrinkly face, the kind looking old man places his hand inside the pocket of the white suit he was wearing and pulls out Serenity's phone.

"Here you go young lady, I believe this is yours." Says the old man with a crooked voice.

"Oh, my phone, thank you but, how did you get a hold of it?" Serenity curiously asks the old man who was definitely in his 80s.

"I took it just as he got on that ride." Says the old man as he smiled.

"Wait, wh-what? Why the hell did you steal my phone?" Asked Serenity aggressively.

"Oh, I'm sorry my sweet. You looked very lovely with your joyful smile as you were on the ride." Furthered the old man. "I just had to take a picture of you"

"A picture... of me... on my own phone?" Serenity asks raising an eyebrow.

Serenity: look through the photos

Serenity: thank him; walk away

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