Jump in the tub and kiss Valerie

From Create Your Own Story

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You quickly climb back into the tub and push Valerie gently backwards so that you can step in between her legs. Before she can move, you've lowered your body into the bath with her and wrapped your arms securely but gently around Valerie. You gently place your lips against hers and slip your tongue into her mouth. You break the kiss after a few seconds and move your lips to Valerie's neck.

"Brandon, what the hell!" she snaps.

You hold her gently and nuzzle her neck lovingly. "Val, you're so beautiful," you whisper. "I have been dreaming about pleasuring you ever since I've been old enough to be interested in girls."

Valerie stares at you, open-mouthed. "Brandon?"

You place a finger to her lips. "Ssssshhhh. Just close your eyes and enjoy." You kiss your way down from her neck towards her cleavage, and she shivers. "I love you, sis."

Valerie appears to be paralyzed with surprise. You reach a hand back and turn off the faucet, as the tub is now full with nice, hot water.

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12th Grade Boy
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