Try and get a blowjob/muzzlejob

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 16:32, 9 December 2015 by Pokelover1 (Talk | contribs)
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"Hey" You say, walking round to her front.

"What do you want?" She whispers, obviously somewhat depressed, knowing that she's kinda messed herself up. Well, as far as she knows.

"Can you clean me off? I don't know what to do with this sticky stuff" You ask, all innocence.

"Fucks sake, sure, fine. Not like I can fuck my life up anymore. Impregnated by a kid, shit!"

She opens her muzzle and takes your entire length into her. And you thought her vagina was hot!

She starts to swirl her tip around the top of your cock, licking off all the semen. You let out a groan, but try to stay quiet. She starts to lick all over you cock, her wet tongue licking off all the jizz that hasn't ended up in her cunt, and that thought, the recent memory of you giving her a big 'ol creampie brings you closer to jizzing again. Combined with how sensitive your dick is from you recent climax, you know that it won't take long until you squirt again.

She takes her muzzle off your cock with a *pop*, and begins to lick your somewhat deflated knot. Shit, she really knows how to use her tongue. Must have experience. As she takes you length into her muzzle once again, probably to be thorough, you realize you can't hold out, so you grab her head and start to hump her face, hard.

A surprised noise escapes her filled muzzle, and her eyes widen, but close again as she tries to pull away. Any second now...

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