Curl into a ball and bawl

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 21:43, 9 November 2015 by Masterb8er (Talk | contribs)
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The slimy janitor slowly advances with a sick grin on his face.

You put your hands up imploringly, "No... please." you beg.

He, of course, ignores you. He just wants your vagina, nothing else. You are just a vagina with legs and you make noises.

Your knees buckle in blind terror, and your cower covering your head.

He looms over you and you curl protectively into a ball, sobbing.

He squats beside you and grabs an ankle and begins dragging you.

You suddenly think of the ladder, the other option. "Why didn't I go down the ladder?" you wonder to yourself.

You kick at the janitor and he releases you.

you stand and turn to run back to the railing when <<THWACK>> the janitor hits you in the side of the head with the mop handle...

Clothing nude Health:

female virgin

SexTimes 0
Personality shy and lack confidence
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