Kate R

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 03:08, 6 September 2015 by Mleubner (Talk | contribs)
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It's my little sister: Kate she has a little tight P.J.'s wearing her cute outfit! Just as she saw me I said to her; "Morning Kate!" She replied back to me; "Mm Morning big brother!" with a beautiful smiley face. I've told her; "Do you want for breakfast?" She nodded & make her a nice breakfast to her.

I still remembered not so long ago.! She knows the truth about our fathers death bed! She didn't understand why we lied to her, cause I afraid she might have her dark future! But on the other she understands about our loss of our father! She cried a bit as I hug her & said to her; "Hey it's ok Kate I'm will look after from now on, Ok?" She nodded agreeable & month pass later, She still happy-go-lucky girl she is!

Just we finished our breakfast she said to me; "Big brother um, while I'm getting ready for school so, could you wait for me when I'm out of my house?" I'm not sure what she meant but I've been thinking she maybe a cute little girl or cute little sister, but I'm sure she is a big girl after all!

As she want upstairs & getting ready for school! I've decided to get ready as well!

So I head back upstairs & getting in a shower just as I open the bathroom door I saw...?

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