Piggy's Day/Inside a tree trunk

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< Piggy's Day
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You find a fallen, hollow tree trunk in a secure looking area.

Piggy: This seems like an excellent hiding place from all the vicious squirrels and hedgehogs!"

You cram yourself inside the trunk. It's a tight sqeeze but you make it just. Your upper body is still free.

Piggy: "This might be a little uncomfortable to sleep in."

You then spot a nice patch of berries right next to you.

Piggy: "I believe I'll have a little taste."

Soon enough you've gorged on every single berry you can reach, and fall asleep. As you wake up in the morning, you start to make haste back into town. However, you can't seem to detatch yourself from the tree trunk.

Piggy: "What the... Oh no, I must've eaten too many berries last night. And I can't get up!"

You start to drag yourself along the forest floor. Then, the hollow log gets stuck in some sort of a metal hook on the ground. You can't move at all.

Piggy: "Well, this is... bad."

Then a moose comes over and takes a poo on your head. You're so ashamed that you literally die.


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