Fallout- Bookie

From Create Your Own Story

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"Oh so did I... but you should know James Jones books never end so predictably"

"Um yeah, I know. Still"

"Hopeless romantic are you?" She says flirtatiously.

"You could say that"

"Awe..." She says. "How cute!"

She leans in to kiss your cheek.

"What the fuck?" she yells

"Sorry?" you ask softly

"You pervert!" Catherine says. Were you M-Masturbating to a James Jones book? What is wrong with you" She runs away disgusted. The entire cafeteria is staring at you now.

Well you tried hard to cover it up, but ultimately you failed.

You head back to your room quickly, and pack up your things. You wait until the shift change at 12:05 and you sneak into the hatch room. You rummage the poorly lit cupboards and don't find much of use besides a hatchet, and a small gun. You sneak up to the guard facing the hatch and butt him with your weapon like you read in the book. It really does work.

You hit a small button on the wall, and the giant hatch opens partially, You slip through just before the security kicks in. Alone, you wander the surface of the Wasteland.

You have reached 1 of 8 possible endings. When you start chapter two, use the ***Lone Wolf*** Campaign for a unique continued adventure.

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