FALLOUT- Therapy

From Create Your Own Story

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"I'm sorry" you choke. You back up against the cold metal wall and drop to the ground. You can't believe it has come to this. How could you let one woman mess you up so much emotionally that you would consider resorting to violence. You lean your head back and remain silent. Your heart is still racing but you start to relax. Jack seems to relax as well. He lowers his arms but remains seated. Both of you notice the tears in each others eyes.

"Well this is embarrassing." you say, wiping a runaway tear with your sleeve.

"Yes, yes it is. For both of us." He says. "I don't blame you for wanting to hurt someone. I have been a mess for a long time. I didn't know you were still in pain too."

"I have been. But I think I've finally hit rock bottom." you sulk. "I'd say it's time we both stop this nonsense and move on" you say.

Jack nods in agreement. "Our new lives start today."

"First, Breakfast." you joke. You both laugh.

Hug Jack with sincerity before leaving for breakfast
"Sorry again. See you around" Give Jack a Bro-Hug (leave)
You've embarrassed yourself enough. Just Leave

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