Fallout - Nap

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 18:14, 12 July 2015 by SlimKikins (Talk | contribs)

You wake up to a knock on the door. That's unusual. You open the door to find a hooded figure. The figure walks in uninvited.

"CLOSE THE DOOR" a voice demands

You are shaking nervously. You oblige. *door closes*


You turn back toward the figure. "Thank you kindly" the woman says in a much softer voice. She removes the cloak.

Alice!?!? Wha- Why? You stutter.

Were you expecting someone else? I can leave...

No? No! Please stay just why..? you ask again.

Why was I wearing this stupid evil wizard looking outfit? Because Baxter would kill me if he saw me with any other man besides him, and this outfit let me walk right past him without notice. Don't worry he was scared like a bitch too. said Alice, who is wearing nothing but a bra and some sort of tiny underwear like nothing you have seen before. She appears remarkably comfortable for someone half naked in the room of an almost stranger.

I wasn't sca- but why? you ramble.

Oh you mean why am I here? Because I have a problem and Adrienne says even though you are terrible at relationships and apparently forming complete sentences that there is one thing you are good at. Something that my Baxter simply will not do. Going down on a woman.

Your jaw drops. Adrienne told you that I.... she said I'm go-" you start before Alice cuts you off.

"I'll tell you what's going to happen Mr. Max... </em> Alice says provocatively while stripping the rest of her clothes I am going to suck your probably virgin dick, and then you are going to eat my pussy until I see butterflies and

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