Truth arrow to the belly

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 08:19, 10 July 2015 by PrincessNozomi (Talk | contribs)

Knowing that goblins are generally liars and thieves, the princess fires a truth arrow at the captain's belly button causing all nearby kids to laugh at him. The goblin captain completely soils himself and shouts the truth, they are located in a top secret location found underneath Lake Kagome. The party of four set off to rescue the padded prisoners.

When the arrive at the lake, the dragon shares doubt about how the may all be able to reach the base. Addie explains how her trusty gryphon is also a great swimmer, and Nozomi explains that there must be some other alternative to getting down there. Addie rides her gryphon over the lake to see ways to get there, and spots a few submarines that are being loaded up. It appears to be seemingly impossible for the dragon to get inside a submarine without getting spotted, but the princess has a feeling that they might need the dragon's help because the need to be prepared for what's down there. What's the plan?

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