Life as a good little girl/Danny bangs on the door wanting to use the shower

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"Stop using all the hot water! I gotta take a shower!" Danny yells, and your shaking legs slip out from under you, sending you to the floor of the shower.


Trembling, you crawl out of the shower, wanting just one more minute, your body feeling so close to something wonderful.


"Coming!" you yell.

"I bet you are. I know what you girls do in the shower. Hurry up and open the door!" he yells back.

How did he know, you wonder, and turn off the water before looking around for a towel. Unfortunately there's only one, the small one you'd been using earlier.


"I'm drying off, hold on!" you holler, and dry yourself in record time. Wrapping the towel around yoursel you open the door.

"There. Done. Happy?" you grumble as you push past him, automatically heading to your old room.

"Damn, I didn't think you could get any dumber. That's Mark's room now," he says, and yanks on the back of the towel. The next moment the towel around you disappears and the bathroom door closes with a slam.

Once again naked in the corridor you rush back to Mark's room.

"I need it bad!" you call out, and your still-weak legs give out, sending you falling onto your brother's bed. Your face strikes something warm and solid, and it takes you a moment to realize that you've landed face first on his dick.

"Stephi! Shit, you really do need it bad, don't you? Well hey, don't let me get in the way. Suck away," he urges, and pushes the head of his dick against your lips.

Stunned my this turn of events you look up and see the phone pointed at you just like before. Here you are with your lips almost wrapped around his dick and the jerk is still watching porn on his phone!

Struggling to get your arms out from between you and the bed you make the mistake of trying to talk, to explain that it was just an accident. But as soon as you open your mouth he bucks his hips and his thick cockhead pushes past your lips.

"Mmmmm?" is all you manage to say.

"Sure you can suck on it as much as you want," he says with a nod. "Show me how much of a pro you've become from those dozens of guys you've fucked and sucked.

"Hmmmm?" you ask, and remember the game the two of you had been playing before you went to the shower. Is he still playing clueless, you wonder. You also wonder why you haven't jerked your head up and off his dick. Instead you just stay still and keep your lips between his dick and your teeth, letting him buck himself deeper.

Flashes of porn videos surge into your mind. Girls with their heads being held while dicks mercilessly pound into them, girls sinking their mouths down the full length of a big hard dick. Pictures of Tiffany and how she'd look in this same position.

A moan escapes you, mirrored by Mark. "Yeah, you really love sucking cock, don't you? I should get all my friends together to gangbang you all next weekend. Or maybe you can just go see them after school this week," he grins, pushing his hips up and down.

Thinking about what he says feels so dirty, so horrifying, and yet that strange feeling from the shower returns. Not full force, but you can't help but groan, your face sinking down on the hard shaft pummelling your lips.

"Fucking pro. Slut. Whore," he grunts, and he bucks again, harder than before, the head of his dick punching past your tonsils.

"Mrp!" you squeak, not even gagging as you straighten out your neck and struggle to breath. The next moment you feel something hitting the back of your throat and you instinctively swallow, sucking harder on the pole inside you until at last he sighs, lowers his hips, and his softening dick exits your mouth with a loud pop.

Somehow it's that pop that brings you back to reality, reminding you that you've just sucked off your own step-brother. And it was all your doing. Who would ever blame him for it when you were the one who threw yourself on him, you were the one that sucked him into your mouth, then into your throat, and then even sucked the last of his sperm down into your stomach. God you're such a slut, you think, face blazing with humiliation, and crotch afire with that strange urgent feeling.

"Th-thanks," you finally gasp, relieved to be able to breath again.

Mark just stares at you wide-eyed.

"Phone," you gasp again, reaching up to the device that somehow never stopped pointing at you the entire time.

"Wha...? Oh. Right. Hang on," Mark says, and seems to remember what he's holding. He starts tapping at the screen. "Mind if I tell my friends about this?"

You roll your eyes. What a doofus. "Yeah sure, go ahead. Tell them five bucks a pop for anything they want," you tell him sarcastically and shake your head. He's too busy tapping away at the screen to see, and a moment later he's handing the phone over.

His phone is different from your own, but you still find the phone app with no problem and dial Joe. For a moment your eyes snag on a recent incoming call from Tiffany of all people, but Joe picks up before you can think about the idea that Tiffany and your brother talk.

"Yeah?" Joe asks.

"J... Daddy!" you squeal, excited that he's picking up so fast.

"Stephi!" he calls back, without a squeal, but sounding happy nonetheless. "What's up, kiddo?"

"I'm not a kid," you remind him. He keeps referring to you, and treating you, like you're not almost a teenager.

"That's for sure," Mark mutters, and you slide a glare his way. Looking at him reminds you that you're still right over his dick and you manage to slide off the bed.

"I know, I know. Soon you might be growing breasts," Joe says with a chuckle.

Unable to respond your mouth opens and closes for a few moments before you force your way past the awkward moment. "I, uh. Those boxes. Do you still have them?"

"What? The charity stuff?"

"Yes those boxes," you say with an eye roll. "Do you have them? You took the wrong ones."

"What do you mean I took the wrong ones?"

"I mean, you took the ones with my recent clothes and left me with a bunch of baby junk. I don't have anything to wear!" you exclaim, and the bed behind you shakes as Mark sits up, suddenly attentive.

"Are you sure? I took the boxes you pointed to."

"Yes I'm sure, I already opened them. You took the wrong boxes!"

"I just took the ones you told me to take," Joe replies defensively. "Anyway, I already dumped them in the charity bin."

"Well can't you just un-dump them?"

Joe's chuckle carries through the phone. "Honey, those bins are self-contained like ultra-sized mail-boxes. You'd have to crawl in through a pretty small drawer, and then you might not get out again. Well, you might, I wouldn't even be able to get in."

"Well... well where did you dump them?" you whine, hating yourself for it. Whining is so childlike. Behind you Mark's phone starts chiming relentlessly as he receives text calls. Who knew he had so many friends?

"Uh. Well, you know the homeless shelter beside the rehab center? Across from the, er... nevermind. That one."

"Oh. Okay daddy. Thanks."

"Hold on a sec, kiddo. Make sure you put that box of clothes by the door."

"What? Why? It's all I have!"

"It's just old stuff, right? Things that won't even fit anymore?"

"Well, yeah... I mean, I think..."

"So then it's worthless. Just put it by the door and I'll get rid of it so it doesn't clutter your new room."

"But what about clothes?"

Joe chuckles over the phone. "We'll come up with something. In the meantime it's just you and family, right?"

"Right," you sigh, staring at the wall - formerly your wall. Sighing, you toss your phone behind you at your brother.

"Hey, careful! That's a really good phone, you know. And the camera's the best on the market."

"Whatever," you mutter.

"Hey, you need help getting clothes?" he asks in a rare display of kindness. Or something.

"Why? You wear girl clothes when no one's looking?"

"I've got friends with younger sisters. They might be able to bring over stuff their sister's aren't using anymore."

"Maybe..." you mutter, thinking about what to do and trying not to remember that you'd just wantonly sucked your step-brother's dick just to be able to use his phone. The only plus side to that is now your stories to Tiffany will be even more believable.

Life as a good little girl/You still have your birthday money, you could probably buy some new clothes. But you'd have to do it tomorrow.

Life as a good little girl/Go to the donation box and try to rescue your clothes

Life as a good little girl/Take Mark up on his offer

Life as a good little girl/Give up for now

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