Discuss battle tactics with your men.
From Create Your Own Story
Revision as of 21:17, 12 November 2007 by Shadowburn (Talk | contribs)
The horde have occupied a small village, guarded by two stone outposts and a massive wall about 5 ft High. The outposts have snipers and the rest have automatic guns with chainsaws on the tip.
Do you:
- Tell your men to charge full force at the wall..
- [[Use all the cover you have to slowly make your way towards the wall.]
- Get half of your team to supress them while you = the other half flanks them
Status | ||
Health | #100% | Equipment:
armour,semi-automatic B12 rifle, 2 grenades, knife. |
MP | {{{MP}}} | |
Level | {{{Level}}} |