Look for something more challenging

From Create Your Own Story

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This is easy stuff you think to yourself. All of a sudden, it dawns on you. You hop out of the tub and head for the backyard and stand at the edge of the in-ground pool. Fortunately, you convinced your mom not to fill it this summer. You sit down on the edge of the empty pool, not wasting any time. You continue where you left off: pumping away at your cock, furiously. Because of your huge balls, it doesn't take much to make you blow your load. Just as you balls release your hot seed, you grab the base of your cock tightly, not letting any sperm get through. You clench it tight until it feels you balls are going to literally explode. You release and it is heavan; your entire body is consumed by pure pleasure. Your dick erupts with an uninterrupted stream of jizz. Your massive ejaculation lasts for several hours, filling the huge in-ground pool, and you keep pumping your dick the whole time.

About three hours in, you mom comes into the backyard looking for you. She stops dead in her tracks.

"Oh. My. God." she gasps "I can't believe you're finally doing this! I'm so proud of you!" She hugs you tightly and fondles one of your naked tits.


Type of Cock Huge Balls Equipment:
Fuck Sessions 2
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