Clan of Sharp Winter

From Create Your Own Story

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The Clan of Sharp Winter is resolute as a stone, the other four chuckled as they walked away, not at him, but you. As they left, in one fluid motion, the elder orcs arms dropped, picked up a boulder with both hands and threw it towards you. Your arms are just enough to get around it, but you lose your footing and fall on your chest, the boulder nearly crushing you already.

He seems uncaring as you struggle to get it off of you.

"Learn this. Strong inside, strong outside. Understand?"

You barely have any air left inside you, but you do manage to let out "Yes"

"Good. Push" He replied coldly

"I can't!" You stammer out, pleading

"Than you die, I find orc who wants to live."

In a last bit of desperation, you give one last push. Every inch of your arms and your chest in on fire, your lungs feel paper thin. The boulder begins to move and you roll it off to the side of you. As it rolls, you stay on your side, trying to catch your breath. Before you can do that too much, you feel the Sharp Winter's large arms pick you up and stand you on your feet.

"So, you want to live after all" he pats you on the back, as about as much congratulations as you're going to get

Shocked, you suck in wind and simply shout out "Yes!

"Learn this: Orcs need Farm. Farm make many Orc. To make Many orc, Farm need you. Fuck as many women as possible"

You're still not picking up on your mentor's point, at least not initially "Of course! That's why I'm here, What's the big deal?"

"Big deal is you keep Orc society alive! This very important job! Not lounging on ass all day in luxury like Elves."

You're starting to get the idea. Where-as back home your status and value was on the number of mates you had, here you are only as valuable as the number of females you can fuck and impregnate in a day.

You sink your head "I understand, and I'm sorry."

"Sorry is said to mothers, not to teachers. Good you understand" The hard, stone, uncaring visage of your master changes for only an instant "And serious work does not mean orc cannot enjoy." As he wraps his arm around you and leads you to back to your room. Waiting for you is a naked human, chained and collared to the wall, her mind clearly gone from her long ago."

"Already-broken by Summer Wind Clan" he says "Put back in pen when done with her" He shoves you in and closes the door behind you, but not locked this time. You look at her and she is clearly addicted, going to the extent of her chain and simply repeating the words "need cock" over and over again.

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pack of supplies

Experience Virgin
HP 80
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