To the lawn behind the pool

From Create Your Own Story

Revision as of 05:40, 7 December 2014 by Hotdawg 22 (Talk | contribs)

You get out of the pool and try to lift Mom out. She helps you getting her out of the water, but intentionally puts more force forwards. You trip over yourselves and land with mom on top. Luckily, the grass is very soft due to you dad's extensive care for it. As you look up, Mom's sweet face is directly in front of you.

"Oh," she says, "I didn't mean for you to fall, Jess. Guess we should-" Before your mom could get the rest out, you lock lips with her again. You two lay there, passionately making out in the open. Mom's warm tongue darts in and out of your mouth, as does yours. You want to...

You are:
Jessica, age 17
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