YWD: Tell him you found this pile of clothes and were returning it to the bus?

From Create Your Own Story

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The farmer shrugs, then tells you to hurry up and rejoin your group. As he continues on his way, he stiffens as he hears a sound from within the building, and he marches in to investigate. You retreat to a safe distance as you hear him roar with anger, and you watch from behind a tree to see what happens. The farmer emerges from the building, dragging a naked and very messy Daphne by the wrist. Crying hysterically, she stumbles and falls into the farmyard mud, but her father does not allow her to get up. He drags her flailing body along the ground towards the house, where he pulls her to her feet and pushes her indoors. You leave Daphne's clothes by the tree and wander off in search of your classmates. You find Ted and Eric and tell them Daphne wandered off on her own. At lunchtime, Daphne does not rejoin the group, and in fact you do not see her at all for the rest of the afternoon. When the bus arrives to take you all back to school, Daphne is still missing, and you ask the teacher whether she knows anything. The teacher replies that Daphne has been taken ill and will be staying at home for the rest of the day. Back at home that evening, you cannot help wondering what happened to Daphne. The following day, you see her in school, but she refuses to talk to you. It is unlikely that she will ever be friends with you again.


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