Doll House: Realize

From Create Your Own Story

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Good thing you're not a complete idiot. You realized in your anger filled haze you almost forgot you were naked this entire time. Wearing only boxers, and socks you blush.

Shit. You quickly throw on you clothes and rush outside trying to catch the man before he disappears. As soon as you step out of the bus it's obvious to you that, that man- your pervert, is long gone. You survey the area, that's when you notice, the fresh dark blood contrasting from the newly fallen snow. You gasp. You don't know whether to feel happy or distraught over the fact that the man peeping on you got hurt while doing so. At least now you know the man peeping on you has a wound, and with the amount of blood on the ground you know he must have had to run into town or risk bleeding out. You smirk not only can you get your picture of Blight Manor, but your pervert gets a mug-shot. You decide:

Doll House: It's time you go into town

Doll House: Go look for the others

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